Part 2 or post 2 or whatever

First post on ‘The Odyssey of this Writer.’
January 30, 2013
Part 3 of my Odyssey …
February 13, 2013
Show all


So last week was the intro and I said I was gonna tell you how I finally began writing. This fellow was buying my car back in 2005 and while test driving it, with me riding shotgun, casual conversation led to the subject of “What do you do?” I went first and said I was in Information Technology. The guy acted surprised saying I didn’t appear to be that type of person, rather an artsy/creative type. I asked what he did and he said he was a writer. I said that I always wanted to be a writer. “Really?” was his response. “Got something to write about?” I said yes and proceeded to tell him the story of Chris Gates and the Savior Project – of course in an abbreviated form. Then I was telling him my baseball story and he stopped me and said, “Dude, you gotta write this stuff. It’s so new and fresh – not the rehashed crap that’s out there now.”

The fellow bought the car and I never saw him again. I was left with the thoughts and desire to write. I sat on that idea for a year and didn’t do anything except think about writing. One day in June of 2006, I hopped on my computer and made notes on all the different stories that I wanted to write. There wer 7 stories with the Savior Project series being 6 books. I sat back and remembered that all of these stories had been dreams – dreams that I felt I actually lived in. So I took a whack at beginning the first book from the Savior Project series, The Chosen One. After I began the first few sentences, I found out something. That’s for next week.

Coming soon, how the cover was made for The Chosen One.




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