The Journey Continues...
n the first book from the Savior Project series, the Chosen One, you saw fantasy and science fiction
collide to create a whole new reality. The second book, Terlokya, welcomes you to that new reality where
you find out what happened to Chris Gates.
We discovered that Chris was covertly trained from his planned birth in 1966 ... from childhood to
baseball star to U.S. Senator, his life unfolding on Earth. Guided by “Those who have watched over us”,
Terlokyans prepared him to save all of mankind.
They are hidden from view, observing, protecting, and influencing us. They raised one of ours, as one of
theirs. And they came and took him away to train him, ready him, and remake him into the most powerful
human ever. His trainers become his crewmates ... the beautiful Zenta, who falls in love with him ...
Xander, who strives to be his best friend ... Ian, the synthetic of his best friend on Earth, and all the rest,
believe in him and would follow him into a fire. And they do.
Juvenisized to be twenty years younger, Chris faces conspirators who forge against the Savior Project in
belief that Earthlings are weak. Sabotage causes his advanced fighter, the JOKR, to end up in a remote
solar system ... marooned on a planet of paradise, believing they will never leave. So what do they do?