Part 44 – “The Story of Terlokya – Blood” – Brought to you by Tom’s Shell station

Part 43 – “The Story of Terlokya – Red Rain” – Brought to you by the Illiteracy Foundation
December 3, 2013
Part 45 – “The Story of Terlokya – Kesmar” – Brought to you by Handsfree.
December 17, 2013
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In Part 43, Caslaikove shared that the Great War ended because blast clouds covered the planet Terlokya, and then it started raining red rain. It was red because of a mixture of chemicals but there was some blood in the rain. There’s more from Caslaikove below, or you can go straight to .

12/10/13, Earth Time: 06:00 AM, EST, Tuesday – The Story of Terlokya – Blood

Greetings and salutations. Caslaikove here. Last week I covered the devastating war that became known as the Great War. Once the Mooomuos launched their nuclear weapons into the interior of Dansleg and the whole of Boesona, the Parnewsians of Sygon retaliated with a nuclear strike on the Mooomuos military installations on Kamchow. But because of the nuclear strikes by the Mooomuos against the main population centers of Dansleg and Boesona, many civilians were killed, practically blasted into the air. How did blood get into the rain? From human debris being pulverized into the air?

We don’t know for sure. But survivors tested the rain and found it laced with a number of chemicals and also found traces of human blood. However, at that time, the planet was a wreak so further analysis took a back seat to survival. Thanks to some brilliant soldiers and scientists on Sygon, power was restored to some areas, communications was reestablished with satellites and a network of groups was setup to start organizing what was left of the devastated areas. It took years, decades actually. And before any type of revenge was carried out, a new leader emerged, preaching unification of the entire planet. He would eventually unite all of Terlokya.


This week’s blog has been brought to you by Tom’s Shell station. Gas prices are going up but this is ridiculous. Picture below.

I’ve talked about what a great Christmas gift the joy of reading is and how you can make that happen by purchasing an ebook or paperback from Amazon or Barnes and Noble and I’m specifically referring to my book, The Chosen One. Well, you can also get The Chosen One from The Savior Project Series at these following places …

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