Part 10 – Another next cliffhanger Tuesday Edition – Brought to you by The UVa Drinking Team.

April 1, 2013
Part 11 – A Realization on the Tuesday Edition – Brought to you by the Stinson Aircraft Corporation.
April 9, 2013
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As promised: my blog-the Tuesday edition, Part 10 – The Odyssey of this Writer. Posted once a week and kept short. Follow if you dare & click if you like for a heckava ride.

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In Part 9, I told how Rita had come over to my desk and asked for a pencil on the second day of classes. And even though we were in a German language school and I also had thought I had mastered English already, after she asked for the pencil I became fluent in gibberish. I believe I answered her question with, “Blubbett erfiya durst.” Needless to say, after class my brother took me into town for lunch and beer to try and help me talk to older women. Remember, Rita was 18 and I was 14. This trek into town was in between classes. Had I mentioned that I was only 14 and my brother was 15? Perfectly legal in Germany. This had ‘GOOD IDEA’ written all over it. NOT. So it was about 2 or 3 or 4 hours after we had actually finished lunch that we staggered out of wherever we were and headed back up the hill to school. And on the way coming down the path, guess who is bounding merrily along with her girlfriends? Well, it wasn’t the Tooth Fairy. Rita came right up to me and with a big smile, asked me how were things in town and why did I miss the afternoon sessions. Well, this provided a great opportunity for me to hone up on my Gibberish, which I proceeded to do perfectly with an added drunken stupor mixed in. My brother had abandoned me in favor of making time with 2 Czechoslovakian beauties so I was left to my own stupidity.

I think I somehow got out of that mess because I fully believe those girls thought I was this worldly American speaking yet another language; one that had a lot of slurred words in it. And it also caused me to stagger and stumble when speaking it. Ah yes, a very difficult language indeed. Anyway, Rita actually sensed that I was a bit, how shall I say this without being crude … DRUNK. My brother had somehow disappeared with his new found Czech girlfriends and I was alone with the red haired goddess. Being in total control of the situation, I proceeded to fall flat on my face. Literally. What a great impression I was making. Rita got me up, and dabbed at the bleeding cut on my forehead with a tissue while trying not to laugh too hard. She then told me that she was going to take me back up to school, sneak me in so the teachers and administrators wouldn’t see that I was drunk, (Was it that obvious?) and put me to bed. (Really?) She managed to sneak me upstairs without anyone seeing us. It was dinner time and everyone else was in the cafeteria while I was just getting back from lunch. Anyway, we were walking down the upper hallway, well, she was walking and I was kind of stumbling along while she was supporting me. I noticed that we passed by my dorm room and went down to the end of the hall. Oh darn … this is where a new paragraph needs to start and that means I’ve already hit 2 paragraphs. I can’t break my own rules. Sorry.

NEXT WEEK – Now where am I?

This week’s blog has been brought to you by the UVa Drinking Team: founded in 1985 and disbanded in 1985. We still practice but have not participated in any actual events since being disbanded. This week’s blog is also brought to you by the fine folks behind The Savior Project. Hop on over to and find out what all the buzz is about. The new book, The Chosen One, can explain a lot of it. And that book can be found at these fine retailers:

Ebook & paperback on AMAZON

Ebook & paperback on BARNES & NOBLE


Ebooks only-





The ebook is only $2.99 and the paperback is only $7.99.

Thanks for joining me. A pic of the book cover is below. CYA next week.


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